Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gari Robo Kun

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Another cross-over product, Transformers X Gari Gari Kun. Gari Robo Kun is an ice pop transforms to Gari Gari Kun in Optimus Prime costume. I have no interest to get it at the beginning but I heard that the design is not bad, so I got the soda one. This little guy is fine as a collectible, but it is not a must have for a TF fan.
(click to enlarge the photos)

Nice package, really looks like the real ice pop.
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It even comes with the ice pop bag!
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Ice pop time!
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Gari Robo Kun! See the emblem on his shoulder!
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Back view
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The transformation is actually quite sophisticated.

Gari Gari Kun is my favourite!
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Full armoured
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Want an ice pop now?

Friday, January 4, 2013

最近的少年Jump (2013)

終於有一個少年Jump的新連載令我覺得有趣, 就是"食戟のソーマ"! 第一眼看這漫畫時就覺得像"伙頭智多星"一樣, 將品嘗料理的反應以極誇張的手法表現出來, 不過是以有點色色的畫面來演出, 以少年Jump尺度來說也差不多算是過激了. 而漫畫的畫風極對我口味, 女角非常可愛! 在現在的少年Jump連載陣內可說是畫功No.1! 除了畫功, 故事內容雖然由食堂到進入料理學園的展開有點突兀, 但到現在第6話也算有趣,值得追看下去.
剛上網看了一下, 才知道附田裕斗就是兩年多前在少年Jump連載不到半年便腰斬的"少年疾駆"作者. "少年疾駆"這足球漫畫的故事和畫功其實都還可以, 但要在少年Jump站穩陣腳還欠點火候. 可能因此把精力專攻原作吧? 而作畫的佐伯俊呢? 看名字以為是新人, 原來他是色情漫畫界的名人tosh! 雖然我沒看過tosh的作品, 不過出名的色情漫畫作家畫功都不用置疑. 難怪"食戟のソーマ"的女角造型這麽得我歡心! XD
到現在第6話畫面還非常出色, 但擔心佐伯俊能否習慣得到週刊連載的schedule, 以前色情漫畫的deadline沒有這樣緊吧? 希望"食戟のソーマ"的水準可以保持下去, 能長期連載. 之前談過的"ハイキュー!!"似乎進展非利,應該不會太快被腰斬. Bleach, Naruto都進入最終章, (但難保要多連載2, 3年...), 希望有更好的新人新作品出現, 支撐一下少年Jump就好了!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dream TOMICA Optimus Prime

Another Tomica Optimus Prime. This is from the Dream Tomica series. Transformers Prime OP and Bumblebee are in the line-up, but I got only OP. The quality of Tomica is always guaranteed. You'll be regret if failed to get this nice truck.
(click to enlarge the photos)

Standard Tomica package

Very nice and detailed truck mode. Tomica quality.





DTOM OP trailer fits also TFP OP.

"This is my boy"