Sunday, September 30, 2007
Metallic Finish Megatron
Hong Kong is really a good place for toys collectors. You can easily find most toys released in Japan or US. You can even get some exclusive toys in retails! This time I got BestBuy exclusive Megatron with metallic finish!
All movie Megatron toys are rubbish, but the metallic finishing make this voyager Megatron totally different! I'm sure that no TF fans can resist to get him. The only complain is the icy parts. A Megatron figure with the same articulations, same paint job without ice will be perfect. Want some comparison pics? Sorry, I haven't open my voyager Megatron yet...
(click to enlarge the photos below)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Takara-Tomy Shareholders Exclusive Trucks 2-pack
I'm not a shareholder of Takara-Tomy, but I got these trucks! (^_^)
These 2 trucks are gifts for TT's shareholders. I like the idea that Takara's characters on Tomy's product line (Transformers on Tomica) and Tomy's (licensed) characters on Takara's product line (Pokemon on Choro-Q). TT shows to its shareholders that Tomy and Takara are really gaining synergy after the merging.
As a collectible itself, this gift set is also valuable on its own. The packaging is good, and the paint job is nice. Really worth to get 1 set if you have the chance.
Let's have a detailed look on these little trucks now. (click to enlarge the pictures)
Monday, September 24, 2007
Hello! My Visitors!
Hello! My Visitors! Thank you very much for visiting my blog. Though my blog is not getting a very high hit rate, I'm so glad that I have visitors from all over the world! I'm a bit surprised to have people not only from Hong Kong, but also from US, Canada, Brazil, UK, Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Philippines and Australia to visit my blog! Will I have visitors from Africa?
I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Thank you!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Love in Destiny
Got a loose Tigatron (Unit-2) at a nice price, lucky! I can have my Chromia-10 pilot to meet her fated one now. Both pre-beast Airazor and Tigatron are nice. The only complian is that Tigatron is only a basic size figure but Airazor is a deluxe one. I can't afford the whole set "Dawn of Future's Past", but still got the nice ones! (^_^)
Friday, September 21, 2007
之前我以為這娃娃只是沙律醬的吉祥物, 所以只他做沙律BB. 但SBB告訴我他叫Kewpie, 我到Wikipedia一看才知道這個漫畫人物原來已有近100年歷史, 是美國漫畫家創作的. 不過 Kewpie是日式沙律醬的吉祥物這個也沒錯.
其實Kewpie也不是十分吸引我, 但今次Kewpie跟很多日本動漫角色cross-over, 真的很吸引! 我覺得Kewpie扮動物的角色最可愛, 所以買了Toro, 山T女福星的琳是送給姐姐的.
貼一張這個系列的Kewpie全家福, 海迪和小雙俠的壞人女波士都很想要呢! 記緊點選放大下圖來看啊!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I got my original color Airazor today, MOSC! Yeah~
The price is a bit high for a basic but still much less than those in eBay. I'm still struggling whether to open her or not as I already got the Fox Kids video version. (Most probably I'll keep her MOSC, sorry Airazor!)
Though Airazor appears only in a few episodes, I love her very much. As the only female Maximal (before Blackarachnia joins), she is one of the most outstanding characters in Beast Wars. It would be better if the toy got a female face. Now, I need BW Rattrap to complete my season 1 Maximals. Hastak, can you reissue Rattrap? I beg you!
The price is a bit high for a basic but still much less than those in eBay. I'm still struggling whether to open her or not as I already got the Fox Kids video version. (Most probably I'll keep her MOSC, sorry Airazor!)
Though Airazor appears only in a few episodes, I love her very much. As the only female Maximal (before Blackarachnia joins), she is one of the most outstanding characters in Beast Wars. It would be better if the toy got a female face. Now, I need BW Rattrap to complete my season 1 Maximals. Hastak, can you reissue Rattrap? I beg you!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Thomas & Friends Mooncake
今天公司派了月餅給員工慶賀中秋, 想不到今年會派Thomas & Friends的月餅, 真夠cute! 不過在眾多的卡通人物, Thomas & Friends也近乎是我最討厭的角色了 XD
雖然我最喜歡的是有生命的機械人: 變形金剛, 但我最怕就是Thomas這種蒸氣火車頭, 帶著一張怪怪的面, 真的看得人毛骨悚然 (~_~) 假如我有小孩子的話, 我一定不會讓他們看/玩Thomas & Friends!
說回月餅這東西, 一向怕甜食的我就不太喜歡的了, 多半這罐Thomas我也不會吃了. 但今次值得一讚是它的包裝算比較環保了, 現在大眾鼓吹簡約包裝, 這Thomas罐內只有2個包著膠袋的小月餅,
在今時今日, 已經算是很"簡約"了! 不過大大的鐵罐只放了小小的2個月餅, 本身已是浪費了! 真矛盾呢!
雖然我最喜歡的是有生命的機械人: 變形金剛, 但我最怕就是Thomas這種蒸氣火車頭, 帶著一張怪怪的面, 真的看得人毛骨悚然 (~_~) 假如我有小孩子的話, 我一定不會讓他們看/玩Thomas & Friends!
說回月餅這東西, 一向怕甜食的我就不太喜歡的了, 多半這罐Thomas我也不會吃了. 但今次值得一讚是它的包裝算比較環保了, 現在大眾鼓吹簡約包裝, 這Thomas罐內只有2個包著膠袋的小月餅,
在今時今日, 已經算是很"簡約"了! 不過大大的鐵罐只放了小小的2個月餅, 本身已是浪費了! 真矛盾呢!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Eva 10週年了! 我也謎了Eva 10年吧? 最初被Eva吸引, 當然是巨大機械人和美女! 但看了一半才發現被庵野老頭擺了一道, 原來Eva根本不是熱血機械人動畫! 不過就是這樣, Eva才會變成經典吧? (不過之後Eva變了Gainax的搖錢樹, "補完"過度了...)
這次買的是山口式Revoltech Miniature第一彈Eva初號機. 雖然我謎了Eva久這麼久, 這可是我第一件初號機玩具啊! (女角figure倒多的是 XD) Revoltech Eva玩具已很多, 我倒沒太大興趣, 不過今次這個縮小版正合我意! 雖不及一般Revoltech, 但這minature版本可動性也不錯, 而個子小小的方便收藏, 真好! 如果Revoltech TF也可以出miniature版就更好了! 廢話不說, 看圖吧!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Site Counter
用了Blogger也有2個月了, 整體上也算滿意, 但可惜的連site counter這樣基本功能也久奉! 這可是連Yahoo Blog都有的功能啊! 建了這個blog是想與其他人分享一下自己的興趣, 很自然也想知道有沒有人看過我寫的東西, 有人看會更覺得寫得有價值吧? 剛好剛才在siu的高貓雜記看到Site Meter的counter, 便走過去申請了一個counter (^_^)
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Panini Transformers Stickers Book
首先在此要感謝P7借出珍藏二十年的集圖冊給我! 小時候我根本沒機會擁有一本"俾你貼"集圖冊, 甚至連看一眼的機會也沒有, 現在能拿在手上一頁一頁的欣賞, 實在令我太感動了! 謝謝P7! 在此希望能為大家一起喚回童年回憶吧!
全書中英對照, 共259張貼紙.
(圖很多, file size也大, 請忍耐, click to enlarge!)
頁首的是封面, 這是封底.
在香港也有Hasbro的參與呢! 內容也可算是official吧?
翻開首頁, 就是變形金剛故事的介紹
看! 1987年! 真的是20年前啊!
Page 1 G1玩具盒背圖
Page 2 - 5 The Beginning
Page 6 柯柏文特寫
Page 7 - 10 S.O.S Dinobots
Page 11 麥加登特寫
Page 12 - 15 War of the Dinobots
Page 16 火炭特寫
Page 17 吼叫特寫
Page 18 - 21 Fire in the Sky
Page 22 Thrust特寫
集圖冊的譯名是刺戳而家是突斯 (~_~)
但不管譯名為何, Thrust何德何能可佔一頁特寫??
Page 23 - 26 The heavy-metal war
建造派出場! 柯柏文不敵麥加登!
Page 27 火地獄特寫
Page 28 - 31 Fire on the Mountain
天火復活! 史碧加有艷遇!
Page 32 飛撲特寫
最後一頁了, 恐龍派幾乎每位都能獨佔一頁, 竟然最受歡迎的鋼鎖卻沒有!
能將20多年的回憶記錄下來, 真的要再次多謝P7! G1的確是美好的, 假如當年沒看過G1, 我現在應該也不會成為TF Otaku吧?
全書中英對照, 共259張貼紙.
(圖很多, file size也大, 請忍耐, click to enlarge!)
頁首的是封面, 這是封底.
在香港也有Hasbro的參與呢! 內容也可算是official吧?
翻開首頁, 就是變形金剛故事的介紹
看! 1987年! 真的是20年前啊!
Page 1 G1玩具盒背圖
Page 2 - 5 The Beginning
Page 6 柯柏文特寫
Page 7 - 10 S.O.S Dinobots
Page 11 麥加登特寫
Page 12 - 15 War of the Dinobots
Page 16 火炭特寫
Page 17 吼叫特寫
Page 18 - 21 Fire in the Sky
Page 22 Thrust特寫
集圖冊的譯名是刺戳而家是突斯 (~_~)
但不管譯名為何, Thrust何德何能可佔一頁特寫??
Page 23 - 26 The heavy-metal war
建造派出場! 柯柏文不敵麥加登!
Page 27 火地獄特寫
Page 28 - 31 Fire on the Mountain
天火復活! 史碧加有艷遇!
Page 32 飛撲特寫
最後一頁了, 恐龍派幾乎每位都能獨佔一頁, 竟然最受歡迎的鋼鎖卻沒有!
能將20多年的回憶記錄下來, 真的要再次多謝P7! G1的確是美好的, 假如當年沒看過G1, 我現在應該也不會成為TF Otaku吧?
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