(click to enlarge the photos)
First have a look on Smolder
Smolder in package.
Very nice looking vehicle mode.
Very cool robot mode.
Smolder's partner Chopster
Chopster becomes a big axe!
Power up mode
Leadfoot vs. Smolder
Pinpoint vs. Chopster
Now Double Clutch and the Rallybots
Double Clutch in package.
Double Clutch has a nice muscle car mode.
With the drone vehicles.
Even a great car mode, Double Clutch has a stupid robot mode...
Lets combine!
Power up mode, with stupid limbs.
Attack! Decepticons!
"You don't need those limbs!"
"Smolder, Power up!"
"Lets get the limbs back~"
Power up Leadfoot seems to have the best articulations.
After playing the 5 pack for a while, I can definitely say PCC is a failure! The drone limbs suck. I don't find any fun with the "power up" mode by sticking the limbs to the commander robot. I think the Dinobots set will be the last PCC set I will get.